Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the importance of thought

I realize that I haven't written here in awhile.  In fact I have been behind on all my blogs, so watch for updates on Smart Fibro Chick, Survivor, Please Tape Me Back Together, and The Disillusioned Agnostic.  I am on a fibromyalgia medication that I have stopped cold turkey.  I think my worst symptom so far has been being really shaky and it being really hard to think.

A whole bunch of needless problems are going on with the in-laws.  That's another story, and one I am not writing about now.  So, the reason I brought that up, is to stress how much stress I'm under.  I did five minutes yesterday on the new (to me) exercise bike I got off of freecycle.  I'm so proud of myself.  Of course with the fibro & ME/CFS (or does it go CFS/ME?) I'm sore extra days from exercising.

I really want to be a Mommy and that is a big reason I want to be a healthier me.  I want to get healthy for myself and for our future child (or if we are surprised, then children).  I want to be on as few medications as possible in anticipation when I have to go off them all when we are TTC (trying to conceive).  I want to have a body that can carry a child nine months.  I want to be healthy enough to be fertile and to take care of myself as an expecting and new mother and to take care of a child my DH and I bring into this wonderful world.  Because that is what it comes down to.  If the world is so horrible, then why would we all keep having children?  We feel the need to not just have sex, but to procreate because this is a wonderful world.  :-)  Smile today!

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